QlickPlay© for companies
QlickPlay© helps teams and companies come together and view their organization and way of working with a critical eye. It is a hands-on professional game that is used during team meetings to optimize business processes, better define and understand roles, optimize collaboration and stimulate creativity.
The QlickPlay© method helps companies upgrade their customer experience to the next level and helps you build a stronger and more engaged team.
It is a method designed to create awareness for each team member about their role and contribution to the organization and its success, as well as to trigger their creativity.
As a manager, this session provides you with numerous innovative ideas, created by your own team, facilitating their support and involvement. This session enables your team to grow together to the next level. During the closing round of the session, all ideas are gathered and transformed into a concrete action plan, supported by the entire team, ensuring stronger results.
Your first QlickPlay© session with your team, is facilitated by an accredited QlickPlay© Master.
This initial facilitated session, which includes the actual game, is priced at €750,00. After the initial session, the QlickPlay© game is yours and can be played endlessly, with continuous new and/or improved results.
Upon request, our QlickPlay© Masters are available for further facilitation or follow-up sessions which you may organize with your team.